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By Mark Swanson on  10/23/2017

Equipment Usage and Die Cutting Costs

State of the art die cutting for precision parts

Die-cutting costs are driven by material selection, equipment usage, and parts presentation. In the introduction to this series, JBC Technologies outlined the importance of understanding whether your die-cutter is using the right equipment to produce your die-cut parts. After all, you may be able to save time and money if there’s a faster, more efficient way to get the die-cut products that you need.  

Are you wondering whether your current vendor is using the right equipment for your projects? Then there are some questions you’ll need to ask about the type of equipment, the availability of newer equipment, cost-saving technology, and part accuracy. JBC Technologies can help guide you through this process and offers value-added solutions that eliminate waste, promote quality, and ensure ease-of-use.        

Type of Die-Cutting Equipment

What type of die-cutting equipment is your vendor using? Rotary die-cutting equipment is a good choice for applications that require high speeds, greater volumes, tight tolerances, and exceptional accuracy. Machined metal rotary dies are relatively expensive, but cutting speeds are measured in feet per minute. Flatbed die-cutting equipment is slower, but uses less expensive steel rule dies for lower volumes.

Newer Equipment

Is there a newer press that can die cut materials more efficiently and less expensively? Manufacturers of die cutting equipment introduce new machines regularly, but not all die-cutters can afford to invest in state-of-the-art solutions. If your die cutter is using older equipment, how well is the machinery maintained? Are there losses in speed or efficiency that could put your project at risk? platen die cutting traveling head

Cost-Saving Technology

Is there a cost savings in moving to a different technology? For example, a die cutter may recommend a type of tooling for a press that’s the wrong equipment for your application. Metal dies can be expensive, but so is the rework and material waste that results from manufacturing decisions that fail to account for all your business and technical requirements. complex rotary die cutting

Part Accuracy

Are your parts not as accurate as they could be because your current die-cutter is using the wrong equipment? To support tighter tolerances, newer die-cutting equipment can use registration software that makes corrections without manual adjustments. Sensors and machine vision can also promote greater accuracy. With web converting, precise tension control is needed.  

Ask JBC About Die Cutting Equipment

Do you have questions about the relationship between die-cutting equipment and die-cutting costs? JBC Technologies is a value-added die cutter that can help you guide you through this discovery process. To get started, contact the JBC Sales Team.


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