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By Bob Lesher on  1/4/2021

TABshield Meets Key Ford Automotive Heat Shield Specification

TABshield thermal acoustic lightweight heatshield material

TABshield Thermal Acoustical Barrier Shield Passes Ford Automotive Specification WSS-M99P32-E6 

Thermal Acoustical Heat Shielding Material by JBC

North Ridgeville, Ohio, January 4, 2021 – JBC Technologies has recently announced the successful completion of third-party testing of their TABshield thermal acoustical barrier material against a Ford automotive heat shield specification. The multi-test specification focuses specifically on the performance requirements of acoustical and thermal components used in engines, under-hood, and tunnel applications.

The company, which has been manufacturing its TABshield line of lightweight, thermal/acoustical barrier products since 2019, is seeking to grow its base business within the automotive OEM and specialty heat shield spaces. The Ford specification which TABshield meets is considered by many within the industry to be the gold standard for automotive heat shields. It is comprised of a variety of tests designed to measure the minimum performance characteristics of thermal and acoustical barriers. These tests—combined with accelerated weathering designed to mimic real-world road conditions—cover a wide range of performance parameters including flammability, resistance to mold, mildew, and common automotive fluids along with basic physical properties.

“Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest performing products on the market,” said JBC VP of Business Development, Kate Gluck.   “In order for us to do this at the level to which our customers are accustomed, we knew that our products not only had to meet but exceed, these base performance requirements.”

As a specialty flexible materials converter and precision die cutter, JBC makes dozens of different parts from our TABshield material. Products made with TABshield have found application not only within the automotive market but within such diverse industries as appliances, off-road vehicles, industrial machinery, and marine. Anywhere there’s a need to manage heat or unwanted acoustical interference, JBC recommends TABshield.

“Our ability to be a significant competitive force within the automotive OEM heat shield and acoustical barrier segment had historically been limited by our inability to show our customers and their customers the numbers – to prove with data that our product met their requirements,” commented JBC Product Manager, Bob Lesher. “And now we’re better positioned than we’ve ever been to meet the challenges of this highly competitive market.”

Visit our TABshield page and view our TABshield datasheet for more information on TABshield lightweight thermal/acoustical barrier. 

A full-service flexible materials converter, JBC Technologies provides custom die-cut parts to OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers nationwide—solving critical challenges for gasketing, sealing, sound damping, fastening, joining, heat shielding, insulating, thermal management, NVH, and more.

JBC Technologies is FDA Registered and ISO 9001: 2015 Certified and has over 30 years of experience converting flexible materials into custom parts.

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