Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives Felt & Flock Tapes Material Data Sheets
Are you looking for a felt or flock pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) tape for your next custom die-cutting project? Here are a few data sheets to help you out.
Flock & Felt Tape

Avery Dennison™ FT 0900X 12 Pt Board
A 36 mil single coated black flock with a high performance low VOC acrylic adhesive
and a heavy board release liner. The adhesive bonds very well to low surface energy materials and the flock provides anti-squeak properties with high wear resistance. FT 0900X 12 Pt Board is commonly used in automotive applications and where low VOC properties are required.
Avery Dennison™ FT 0900X PET
A 36 mil single coated black flock with a high performance low VOC acrylic adhesive and a polyester release liner. The adhesive bonds very well to low surface energy materials and the flock provides anti-squeak properties with high wear resistance. FT 0900X PET is commonly used in automotive applications and where low VOC properties are required.
Avery Dennison™ FT 0900X
A 36 mil single coated black flock with a high performance low VOC acrylic adhesive. The adhesive bonds very well to low surface energy materials and the flock provides anti-squeak properties with high wear resistance. FT 0900X is commonly used in automotive applications and where low VOC properties are required.
For more information Contact a JBC representative
With a breadth of converting equipment that ranges from high speed, tight tolerance rotary presses to hot and cold melt laminating, an extensive team of processing engineers, and strategic partnerships with some of the best material manufacturers in the industry, JBC Technologies is your one stop resource for precision die-cut flock, felt, and foam tapes.
We convert a wide variety of pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for automotive, HVAC, appliance, electronic, medical and industrial applications -- designed to absorb impact, damp vibrations, seal out the elements, and much more.